A published author and an aspiring author’s journey
On 1st October 2021, the IWAM Creatives Group and Book Club got together to listen to two writers. Aldonza González, who is already a published author of her first science fiction novel ‘Nueve Punto Cinco’ (9.5) and me; Sam Frearson-Tubito, working on my first book – Title to be determined.
La Baracchina Meet the Writers event
Aldonza and Sam - the writers
La Baracchina Meet the Writers event
We ended up at La Baracchina in Via Amendola, Modena and the turnout was good. It was a balmy evening which allowed us to have the event outside, under La Baracchina’s twinkling fairy lights. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming and I spoke first about my journey as an aspiring writer. I talked about my methods, the main themes in my book, my writing background and my process. Aldonza also spoke about her writing process, her discovery of science fiction writing and how she managed to obtain a contract with her current publisher.
Many wise tips were shared by the two of us; every person has a unique story to tell, has a unique voice, and writing is a lonely journey. Therefore, it is extremely important to have a writer’s network. Fortunately, both Aldonza and I have managed to obtain our networks through attending various writing courses, whether they were online or face-to-face before the pandemic. Our overall opinion is that writing courses are a great way to start, even if you have no experience.
Sam’s Personal Reflection
On a personal note, this was the first time I showed up as a writer; the first time I spoke as a writer. I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect but once there, I was made to feel at ease with the encouraging comments and thoughts of all who came. Our IWA Modena community is truly one of a kind in terms of supporting one another and lifting each other up. The journey of a writer is very much an individual one. We tackle this journey in our own way. There is no right or wrong, there is just perseverance, stamina and the vision to get you to the finish line.
Aldonza’s Personal Reflection
It was so thrilling to be able to talk about something I feel so passionate about with such an amazing audience. People where interested in our process and the stories we write, and for me it was very enriching. When you write, you do it because you just love it, but it is a very lonely process. Seeing the social aspect of finally releasing the book is amazing; talking to people, making them fall in love (hopefully) with your story is very rewarding. I’ll be forever grateful to IWA Modena for letting me do my very first in-person book presentation.

Aldonza with a hard copy of her first published novel in Spanish
Final words from the event co-ordinator Eva
There was a full house turn-out for the creatives group initiative of Meet the Writers with Aldonza and Sam. It was a wonderful evening, sociable, insightful and inspiring. We thank them so much for giving us their time and opening out their writing journeys for us. It was fascinating to hear their ideas between their current genres of sci-fi and memoir, each with their overlapping themes of identity, belonging and memory; something as an international crowd we could especially relate to.
Many thanks also to the lovely crowd with great questions generated which sparked further delving, into the importance of mentorship, some nuts and bolts of structuring narratives, creative practices to try, and a cold look at publishing with wise tips. Whatever success looks like for you ladies, we heartily wish that for you. Please keep us posted Sam and Aldonza.